Organization Reports


Organization owners and managers can access activity and performance reports in their organization. This article discusses where you can find the reports and how to read and interact with each report type.

Accessing Organization Reports

The following steps describe the process for accessing organization reports within an organization.

  1. In the top right corner of ProKnow, click your profile name, then click My Organizations:


  2. From the My Organizations page, click on the particular organization that you wish to manage:


  3. From the organization page, click the Reports tab to access the reports panel:


  4. From the Reports tab, click on the report you wish to view. The User Activity Report is shown by default.

Activity Reports



  1. User Activity Table: This table lists the following information for each user:
    1. Name: The name of the organization user (as recorded in ProKnow).
    2. Email: The email address the user has associated with their account.
    3. Latest Login: The latest login date.
    4. Latest CAP Activity: The most recent date at which the user either opened a contouring instance for the first time or scored a contour.
    5. Latest PSP Activity: The most recent date at which the user either uploaded their plan or dose or scored their plan.
  2. Group Selection Dropdown: By default, the table shows the activity for all users in the organization. When a group is selected, the table is filtered to show only the users which belong to that group. Use the Clear button to reset the table to the unfiltered list.

Contouring Accuracy


  1. Contouring Instance List: The contouring instance list provides you with the following information for each instance:
    1. Name: The name of the instance
    2. Opened: The number of users who have opened the contouring instance.
    3. Submitted: The number of users who have submitted contours for scoring.
    4. Participation Progress: An at-a-glance progress bar with the dark bar representing either the total number of users in the organization or the total number of users in the selected group. The solid green bar represents the proportion of users who have submitted contours. The transparent green bar represents the proportion of users who have opened the contouring instance but have not yet submitted.
  2. Group Selection Dropdown: By default, the list shows the contouring accuracy activity across all users in the organization. When a group is selected, the report aggregates data across the selected group only. Use the Clear button to reset the list to the unfiltered list.

Plan Studies


  1. Plan Study List: The contouring instance list provides you with the following information for each study:
    1. Name: The name of the instance
    2. Scored: The number of users who have scored a plan study solution.
    3. Submitted: The number of users who have submitted a plan study solution.
    4. Participation Progress: An at-a-glance progress bar with the dark bar representing either the total number of users in the organization or the total number of users in the selected group. The solid green bar represents the proportion of users who have submitted a plan study solution. The transparent green bar represents the proportion of users who have uploaded and scored a solution but have not yet submitted.
  2. Group Selection Dropdown: By default, the list shows the plan study activity across all users in the organization. When a group is selected, the report aggregates data across the selected group only. Use the Clear button to reset the list to the unfiltered list.

Performance Reports



  1. User Performance Table: This table shows the selected user's performance for the selected module.
  2. Module Selection: Either CAP (Contouring Accuracy Program) or PSP (Plan Study Program).
  3. User Selection Dropdown: A dropdown list containing the users in the organization. Select a user to view their performance in the selected module.
  4. User Performance Download: Use this button to download a spreadsheet of CAP or PSP performance for every user in the organization as a CSV. Filter by user name, user email, institution, study name, and organization group.

User Performance Download

When you click on the user performance download button, you will be presented with the following pop up.


The pop up allows you to enter several different filter parameters. All of the parameters are optional, and any specified filters will be joined with an AND to generate the downloadable results. The filters User Name, User Email, Institution, and Study Name match performance records that match any part of the respective fields (case insensitive). The Group field matches records in which the user belongs to the selected group. If you decide to leave all filters blank, the performance report will include all performance records for all users across the selected program (CAP or PSP). The Include Group(s) Column and Include Non-Participants option can be used in combination with any other filter. When the Include Group(s) Column is set to Yes, the spreadsheet will include an additional column that denotes the groups to which the user belongs. The Include Non-Participants option can be used to include empty records corresponding to users who have not participated in the given plan study or contouring instance. Here are a couple of examples of some combinations you might find useful.

  • Plan Study Group Performance. With the PSP program selected, click the download button and enter the name of a private study (e.g. Prostate Fossa and Nodes) in the Study Name field and select a group (e.g. January 2018 Planning Workshop). Then press the Download Report button. This will give you the performance for all users who belong to the selected group and who have scored and/or submitted a solution to the studies in which the Study Name filter matches all or part of the name of a private plan study.
  • Contouring Accuracy User Performance. With the CAP program selected, click the download button and enter the email of a user who belongs to your organization. A user's email uniquely identifies them within ProKnow. Now, press the Download Report button. This will give you a Contouring Accuracy performance report across all private contouring instances in your organization.
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