Editing Your Organization Profile and Icon


Organization owners and managers have the ability to edit the profile of an organization, including its display name and icon. This allows organizations to control how others see the organization while browsing ProKnow.

Viewing the Profile of an Organization

The following steps describe how to access the display information for an organization. Note that you must be an owner or manager of the organization to view this information.

  1. In the top right corner of ProKnow, click your profile name, then click My Organizations:


  2. From the My Organizations page, click on the particular organization that you wish to manage:


  3. From the organization page, click the Manage tab to access the management panel:


Note: Please contact us if you would like to update the organization name or visibility.

Updating the Icon of an Organization

Organization owners and managers update the icon of an organization, which is displayed in the organization selection as well as the list of organizations on the My Organizations page. The following steps describe the process of updating the icon for an organization:

  1. In the top right corner of ProKnow, click your profile name, then click My Organizations:


  2. From the My Organizations page, click on the particular organization that you wish to manage:


  3. From the organization page, click the Manage tab to access the management panel:


  4. From the Organization Icon panel, click the Upload Image button and select an appropriate icon image. Note that icon images must be formatted as png, jpeg, or gif, have the same width and height, and be no larger than 300px.


  5. Once uploaded, you will see the updated organization icon displayed on the manage tab:


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